Glossary of Special techniques used by FGDesigns
3-Needle Knit bind off
Place stitches to be joined onto 2 separate needles. Hold fabrics with RS tog. Using a 3rd needle and holding yarn on the back, k1- bring-through as follows:
1. *Insert needle kwise through next st on front needle. Do not drop the stitch.
2. Knit the next st from back needle and bring new st through st on front needle. Drop both front and back sts. One st is on the 3rd needle; Repeat one more time from *. Now there are 2 sts on the 3rd needle. BO one st.
3. Repeat K1-bring-through and bind off until 1 st rem on 3rd needle. Break yarn and pull tail through last stitch.
3-Needle Purl bind off (© by FG)
Place stitches to be joined onto 2 separate needles. Hold fabrics with RS tog. Using a 3rd needle and holding yarn on the back, p1- bring-through as follows:
1. *Insert needle kwise through next st on front needle. Do not drop the stitch.
2. Bring the yarn between needles and purl next st from back needle. Purl the next st from back needle and bring new st through st on front needle. Drop both front and back sts. One st is on the 3rd needle; Repeat one more time from *. Now there are 2 sts on the 3rd needle. BO one st.
3. Repeat P1-bring-through and bind off until 1 st rem on 3rd needle. Break yarn and pull tail through last stitch.
3-Needle Combination bind off (© by FG)
Place stitches to be joined onto 2 separate needles. Hold fabrics with RS tog. Using a 3rd needle and holding yarn on the back, do the following:
Insert needle kwise through next stitch on front needle. Do not drop the stitch. 1. If the next st on the inside (RS of fabric) is a knit st:
K1-bring-through and bind off.
2. If the next stitch on the inside (RS of fabric) is a purl stitch:
P1-bring-through and bind off.
Twisted Backward cast on (© by FG)
*With yarn at left end of work, place index finger under the yarn and twist it toward
yourself to make a loop (or do another twist, if desired). Transfer loop to needle by inserting needle from behind loop and catching left leg of loop, then pulling yarn to tighten (CO st is mounted in opposite direction from backward-loop CO and has one extra twist); rep from * for desired number of sts. Much tighter cast on that does not allow for holes when sts are worked.
Provisional cast on
Using crochet hook and waste yarn, chain needed number of sts plus 5. Cut waste yarn and pull tail through last chain to secure.
With working yarn, begin casting on sts starting with 2nd chain as follows: *Insert needle into a bump on the back of chain and using the bump as a stitch, knit one; rep from * until all sts are cast on. There will be extra chain left.
When you’re ready to use the cast-on stitches do the following: With RS facing and no yarn * with needle being parallel to the chain, insert it through the right leg of next st; repeat until all sts are on the needle (chain is still attached). Untie the crochet chain at the end of 5 extra sts and gently pull it out to expose the sts on your needle.
German Short Rows
TP (turn and pull) next st: turn your work, bring yarn to front, slip the last st to right needle. Bring the yarn from front and over right needle to back. Pull the yarn to expose two legs of a stitch (double st).
Keeping double st exposed, leave the yarn in the back if the next st is a knit or bring it between needles to front if it is a purl.
On the last row knit or purl through the double st as you come to it.
Increases M1, M1L, M1R
M1 and M1L (Make 1 Left): Insert left-hand needle from front to back under the running thread between the last st worked and next st on LH needle; knit into the back of resulting loop.
M1R (Make 1 Right): Insert LH needle from back to front under the running thread between the last st worked and next st on LH needle. With RH needle, knit into the front of resulting loop.