Vogue Knitting Live

I am so honored to teach for Vogue Knitting Live (VKL)!12565615_1106728166005027_1128747884165708118_nI love everything about it: students, lectures, fashion shows, hanging out with the most creative and talented people who know how to teach and have fun.Last year I have been teaching in Pasadena, CA and Chicago. This year started with NY city in January and my next time teaching will be in Pasadena in May. The circle is complete :)Curves inspired by Celtic Cables, The Art of Seamless Construction, High-Class Finishing Techniques, Amazing Art with Slip Stitches, Colorful Brioche Cables and Motifs are among topics I teach at VKL.Brioche cable fun DSC_0293 ASK_50 Usually my suitcases are filled with tons of swatches and projects. This time my husband joined me for my trip to NY and I've decided to bring my video set-up for classes: iPad, projector, cords, and iPad stand.   All of it was packed in my husband's small suitcase. Poor guy was checked at the airport for about 15 minutes. I guess it looked very strange.We love NY and we come there often since part of our family lives there, but I have to say that this time we had more fun than usually. We went to a play called China Doll with Al Pacino, museums and had some great food.12552614_1106762396001604_2015034718568000785_n12510348_1109869082357602_8397173340156529329_n 

We also got to see a blizzard which left us stranded in NY for 2 more days. But even that was fun for us. Here is someone's car still covered in snow.

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These boots were fine in the snow, but the next day ... I was soaked through. It turned out they were not waterproof. Oh, well. I survived.


The weather in Pasadena will be wonderful in May. Want to join me there?



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