Teaching online

And the Winner is Annick L !! Congratulations!! I am sending you a link by email you left here. Enjoy the class.IMG_4046  As many of you know, I teach online classes at Craftsy.com. Every time I teach there, I have the best time working with most professional teams. I am so grateful that I have this experience.This is my first class that we filmed in 2012. There are 6400 students in this class and I am very happy to know that I helped a lot of people to design a perfect garment either for themselves or for a publication.titleCardHere are some shots I have from that class.Since in  this class I was designing a cardigan Gita in front of the students, using Excel, you see me on the screen being crazy intense :) explaining on the computer what number goes where.Faina in Denver at the computerLook how professional is their set up. Amazing 4 cameras and 3 people.Smaller size craftsy classIn 2015 I went to Denver again. I have to mention that it is a beautiful city.The weather was beautiful and it was very clear. Here is the shot of the mountains from my plane window.Isn't it gorgeous?IMG_3304This time we were filming a class that goes with  The Art of Slip-Stitch Knitting. I had to prepare many swatches and tell all about 4 different groups of slip-stitch knitting. Each swatch had to be written up, charted, knitted, the step-outs prepared, and labeled. It was a lot of work, but all of it was fun and I am very happy that I can teach people about all of this. Most people think that slip stitch is a lazy color work or it is mosaic only. In reality it is so much more to it and it is all very interesting.Here is one of the swatches I had with me.IMG_3319And here is my wonderful crew for this class. IMG_3414They make you feel like a movie star :) This was on the door of my dressing room.IMG_3326And here is the icon of the class that we filmed. On the left is a bag that I designed for this class and the pattern for it is given to a student as extra. The class is still new, but already has over 2000 students.Screen Shot 2016-01-01 at 9.32.30 PM copyAt night I could go to this beautiful area near my hotel. It is full of nice restaurants and boutique shops. IMG_3407I am looking forward to working with them again. I will keep you posted.


Vogue Knitting Live


Joggling teaching, designing, and writing