Too much of a good thing
I have been very busy teaching and designing. It is a good thing and, honestly, I am very happy about it. There are so many little things to take care of when you are running your own business and I am still learning how to joggle all of them and not get behind. As of now, I am behind on maintaining the website and posting all the good things happening.My latest 3 designs for 2 magazines happened practically with the same deadline. Yikes!! I did it but I have to say that it was interesting. I love how every one of these garments came out and the new stitches that I developed for them.This is all I can show for now since it it is a secret until they are out in the wild, as you know.I am getting ready for a big trip to teach in 3 different locations.In Minneapolis I will be teaching 3 days of classes for Vogue Knitting Live . I have a little room in 2 classes. If you are thinking to sign up, hurry.My next stop is Yarn Matters in Williamsburg, VA. A lovely new shop that just had their unveiling. The owners are Marina and Kevin Hayes. I know Marina through Ravelry for a few years. This is the first time we will meet face to face. There will be 2 workshops on Nov.8 and 9. See their website to learn about the workshops and their lovely shop.Next, I will go to Green Mountain Spinnery in Putney, VT. We will re-create Gobelen bag from The Art of Slip-Stitch Knitting using spinnery yarns.Here is the unfinished look of the bag. It still needs the lining and handles. I am very excited about this trip. There will be a lot of teaching, but it comes with getting to know more knitters and making new friends. Hopefully some of my readers will be there.To finish my long and exhausting to read (but fun for me) list, I want to mention one more workshop in November.This will be the first time for me to teach in CAST AWAY & FOLK that is only one hour away from me in a beautiful Santa Rosa where many people come for wine tasting. We will have a taste of Slip-stitch knitting there with this fun cowl Shades of Amber.This is not all what I have planned. Watch my calendar of events to see what else is coming. Sign up for my newsletter to keep up with FGDesings news.