TNNA is coming up

Every half a year I go to our trade show called TNNA (The National Needlearts Association).Over the years I got to know so many people in the industry and every time I come there I meet someone new.  Going there, talking to people, seeing new yarns, books, designs, tools and notions is a must for me. I gain so much energy and new ideas that the excitement from it lasts for many months.This time we go to Columbus, Ohio. The only complaint I have about this location is that it is so hard to find a good flight from the West coast there. Either you are going red-eye flight, or get up at 3 am to catch a different one. If you fly in the mid morning, you miss the fashion show and all other fun activities that begin on Friday.This time I made a decision to fly a day before and pay for one more night in the hotel. Oh, well. That's the way it goes.My co-author Simona Merchant-Dest is gong to come and we will be signing our book there.IMG_0764Screen Shot 2015-05-07 at 1.27.05 PMI am also working on a new design to feature a new yarn (can tell you what company, since it is their secret) in the Fashion show, so this should be fun. Very bright colors. Here is a sneak peek of some colors used.There are a few other jobs that I need to finish before I go. When it is all done, I will post all the photos to brag about it :)Last time I took with me to Phoenix, AZ my fabulous sample knitter, Irina Semenets. Among many projects she did most of my pieces for Vogue Knitting including this dress. I love this design. Sorry, not too modest here, am I?IMG_0094She had a lot of fun being there. So, this time I have decided to bring a mother-daughter team, Janelle and Peggy Abrams. They are wonderful and local to me. I started to work with them recently and they do a great colorwork for me. I mentioned before that I am totally obsessed with slip-stitch knitting nowadays. This is a sneak peek at the project for my new Craftsy class. They both worked on it. Isn't it gorgeous?image - Version 6I can't wait to see their excited faces while we are in Columbus.I will report on TNNA as soon as I come back from it in June.Sending you creative thoughts.

Poka (pronounced as Po-kah, stressing kah. Russian for bye! or so long!.)

wrapped in color: 30 shawls to knit


KAL for Lace Stockings